Tooth Extractions – Cranford, NJ

Your Smile Deserves the Best

Removing a tooth is never something our team will recommend as an initial approach. We want you to keep your natural teeth as long as possible, but a tooth that is no longer viable but instead poses a threat to your oral health should be removed as soon as possible. By performing tooth extractions at our Cranford periodontal practice, Dr. Saber, Dr. Aaron, Dr. Kapadia, and Dr. Vandeep can eliminate unhealthy teeth and give your smile a chance to look beautiful and feel complete once again. With reliable dental implants to replace your extracted teeth, we can deliver modern solutions so that your confidence doesn’t falter. Call us today to find out if undergoing a tooth extraction is a form of treatment you might need.

Why Choose Cranford Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants for Tooth Extractions?

  • High-Quality Dental Implants
  • Clear Communication from Our Team
  • Compassionate Periodontists Who Put Patients First

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Close up of person holding their jaw in pain before tooth extractions in Cranford

Tooth extractions are often recommended when patients are suffering from:

  • Severe decay that cannot be treated with a customized dental crown or root canal therapy
  • Significant facial trauma that causes the tooth to no longer be viable
  • Overcrowding that prevents the success of an orthodontic intervention
  • Cyst formation or infection

If any of these problems become evident in your smile, it is time to call our office to schedule a consultation. We will meet with you to examine your mouth and determine if a tooth extraction is what you need to improve your oral health in the future.

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Dental forceps holding an extracted tooth

Removing a tooth is not as daunting as many people assume. This procedure is performed by our highly esteemed and expert periodontists who have been serving the Cranford community for more than 20 years.

Administering local anesthesia, we will prepare a plan that ensures the safe and comfortable removal of your tooth or teeth. Using specialized dental instruments designed to ensure precision, we will use dental pliers and a dental elevator to grasp and lift the tooth from its socket. After gently rocking it back and forth, it will detach, making it possible for us to care for the socket properly and ensure effective healing.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Woman in dental chair listening to her dentist talk

After a tooth is extracted, you will need to make sure that you take proper care of it while it heals. If you do not, an infection can form or a dry socket that can lead to increasing pain. By biting down on clean gauze to stop the bleeding, you will also want to use a cold compress to minimize swelling and discomfort.

Getting ample rest once you return home is essential as well as keeping your head elevated to prevent blood from rushing to your brain and intensifying the discomfort. You’ll also want to avoid smoking for at least a few days, and you’ll need to stick to a liquid or soft food diet initially. Over time, you can begin to incorporate other foods into your diet once your mouth is more fully healed.